December Already???

The past few weeks have gone by so fast it seems like a blur.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with our wonderful families. All of our children were able to be with us which is a true blessing especially with Eli being in the Army. We don’t take these things for granted because so many military families don’t get to have this opportunity.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at Phil’s parents on Thursday evening and another great dinner at my sister Fonda’s house on Friday afternoon. I love our families.

Elijah & Claire spent the night with us Friday night so I got up early on Saturday before our traditional shopping day with my mom and family and made them some breakfast.

Sunday morning they stopped for a few minutes to say goodbye and i had them to put a few ornaments on our family tree. We have always done this as a family and didn’t want them to moss having a part of this. Eli found a perfect ornament to put on the tree… Proud of my Soldier πŸŒ²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ. This tree should take on a whole new look tonight after the rest of the family put the rest of the ornaments on it. ❀️

We are looking forward to Elijah and Claire being back in Ohio again for Christmas. It is a long drive for them but worth it for out time spent together.

The Remembering Rudd’s Christmas Farm was a blessing as well. There were around 175-200 people who attended which was a good crowd for our first time and for the busy time of year. We visited with friends, told stories, sang carols and thoroughly enjoyed the evening. One of my favorite times was when we dimmed the lights and sang dads favorite carol “Silent Night” with only the Christmas lights on and Merry Christmas scrolling on the projector behind the family. (All of the immediate Rudd family wore light necklaces as you can see some of us in the picture below). There wore around 30 of the family in attendance. We sure missed Gilda & Chris who had planned to come but wasn’t able to due to health issues.

Thanks so much to all who came and Reminisced with us. We were blessed to have you with us.

As the season begins and we quickly approach my favorite time of year, let’s not forget who it’s about….”JESUS”

Phil and I started on the first day of December reading a chapter of Luke together each evening until December 24. These chapters tell about the entire story of Jesus. Joins us in reading this at your home.

Don’t forget to go to my Facebook page-Blessed Beyond Measures-tag 3 people in the comments & share the post to have your name in the drawing on December 10th. That’s only 1 week away.

Here at Lake Waynoka they are having a “Light up the Lake” on December 14 from 6-9.

Phil & I started to get some lights put up outside yesterday evening. We have more to put out in the next few days. I am excited to see everyone’s decorations.

Enjoy your family & friends this Christmas season but especially make time to enjoy the blessings of the one it’s all about…Jesus!!! πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ

I am…

Blessed Beyond Measures,


6 thoughts on “December Already???

  1. So glad you had a great turnout and wonderful time. I have so many great memories of being with you all at Christmas time. Merry Christmas to all of you!!


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